The West Baton Rouge Council on Aging and Senior Center is designed to provide services to assist older adults, age 60 and over, with remaining and living independently in their homes. These services are provided for those who reside in West Baton Rouge Parish only.

March 18, 2025
The West Baton Rouge Council on Aging will hold its Annual Membership Drive to elect new members to the Board of Directors from March 27th through April 08, 2025. After this period, the door for selection will be officially closed by the Board Development Committee. The actual meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 07, 2025, at 10:30 am following the Quarterly Board of Directors meeting at 10:00 am. At which time, the WBRCOA seniors will make their decision on who will serve as board members. This meeting will be held at the West Baton Rouge Council on Aging building located at 2560 Court Street, Port Allen, Louisiana. The Annual Board Meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. and it is open to the public. Therefore, if you would like to become a member of the West Baton Rouge Council on Aging please call (225) 383-0638. Remember, the WBRCOA Annual Membership Drive for members closes on April 08, 2025.
Run: March 18, 2025,
The Senior Center is Open
1st & 4th Monday 7:30am -3:30 pm
Tuesday-Friday 7:30am -3:30 pm
Lunch served at 11:15am M-TR, 11:00am on Fridays &
10:00am after Food Bank on 2nd & 3rd Mondays
Give us a call if there are any questions or concerns at (225)383-0638 .
Daily transportation available to and from the center;

The recognition of women’s achievements started with International Women’s Day, observed for the first time on March 8, 1911.
Then in 1978, Sonoma County, CA held a “Women’s History Week” celebration to correspond with International Women’s Day. The movement soon spread across the country, and in 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued the first Presidential Proclamation declaring National Women’s History Week.
By 1987, Congress had designated March as Women’s History Month.
March is a time to reflect on the food we eat and its impact on our lives. This year's National Nutrition Month theme, Food Connects Us, reminds us that food is more than just sustenance - it's a way to connect with our loved ones, cultures, and our own well being.

March is a time to highlight, celebrate and honor women and the vital roles they have held in American history and across the world.

Good nutrition isn't just about feeling great. It's a shield against illness, too! Discover the power of proper nutrition for your overall health and immunity.
Join In & Take Advantage of the Great Benefits of Socialization
"The importance of social interaction, for older adults especially, is massive. "
*Social interaction benefit #1: Improves mental health
When we’re socially engaged, we’re less likely to fall victim to mental illnesses, like depression.
Social interaction benefit #2: Improves physical health
There are so many physical benefits to your health that come with being socially engaged of which includes to: Lower blood pressure and potentially reduce risk for cardiovascular problems, some cancers, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

*Social interaction benefit #3. Improves brain health
We tend to have higher levels of cognitive function with increased social interaction.

*Social interaction benefit #4. Gives you access to personal care and assistance
Your community, whether paid assistance, family members or friends, can help you with your personal care. There are people that assist with mobility, errands and doctor’s appointments.

*Social interaction benefit #5. Increases your growth and learning
Growth and learning are two things that greatly contribute to your brain health and your sense of fulfillment… and they can also contribute to your level of social interaction.